It really stinks how true this is. I worry. And worry. And then I worry some more. And for what? Stress, acne, and hysterical fits.
If they actually had these I would get the world's biggest most non-lethal dosage possible. I wonder if it makes you grow boobs too?
Sometimes I REALLY think this is true to me. Sadly :-/
And the truth is EXACTLY this. I'll create art and read all day. But I really want someone to look me in the eyes and kiss me on lips and love me.
I'm sick of my tiny lil' Texas town but on the bright side I found a college that I think will really suit me :-) (And it is a LOT closer to my price range.)

Everyone's two favorite families... morphed into one. Nothing to do with me just amazing.
Pongo and Perdita... the world's cutest couple. What I want in my future.
Well I'm getting sleepy but you should check out this video:
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