Saturday, April 28, 2012

Live avery day to the fullest...

So this little girl, Avery Canahuati, is absolutely precious and I would have no idea who she was if it wasn't for the amazing Yahoo article: This gorgeous little girl was diagnosed with SMA Type 1. It is the fastest onset and the most horrific of outcomes. This story hit me like Katniss Everdeen's arrow straight through my heart. It said she wouldn't live to be two years old. Something I could not believe because I had heard this story before... My own story. Now don't go thinking I'm writing from the grave or anything because my story takes a turn for the weird if not better. I lived to be two, so the ridiculous doctor re-predicted my death instead of admitting they were wrong. The said I wouldn't live to be 10. Seven years later I am SO incredibly blessed by my super slow progression. Now I read about this adorable little blessing going through the same thing and I pray that her fate turns out like mine. I don't know know how scientifically possible this is but I would give a lot to see this baby strive. No one should have to go through what she and her parents have gone through. They started her bucket list... something in which I love and think is an amazing thing. Many young people have crossed off things from their lists that people couldn't do in a lifetime. Here are some  examples...

-15 Year Old Boy gets "deflowered before dying":

-16 Year Old Girl gets "married":

-18 Year Old goes on date with Taylor Swift:

-8 Similar "Last Wish" Stories:

- Yours Truly on a Zipline (though I'm not going anywhere don't worry):
[You might not be able to see it :-/]

And Finally Avery's Bucket List Blog:

Also I'd like to state if you want to make a bucket list of your own or just a list of things you'd like to do (like I have!) Check out:

And my 43 Things if you'd like to uhh check up;-)

Enjoy! And let me know what your bucket list contains... plus spread the word for SMA!

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