Saturday, April 28, 2012

Live avery day to the fullest...

So this little girl, Avery Canahuati, is absolutely precious and I would have no idea who she was if it wasn't for the amazing Yahoo article: This gorgeous little girl was diagnosed with SMA Type 1. It is the fastest onset and the most horrific of outcomes. This story hit me like Katniss Everdeen's arrow straight through my heart. It said she wouldn't live to be two years old. Something I could not believe because I had heard this story before... My own story. Now don't go thinking I'm writing from the grave or anything because my story takes a turn for the weird if not better. I lived to be two, so the ridiculous doctor re-predicted my death instead of admitting they were wrong. The said I wouldn't live to be 10. Seven years later I am SO incredibly blessed by my super slow progression. Now I read about this adorable little blessing going through the same thing and I pray that her fate turns out like mine. I don't know know how scientifically possible this is but I would give a lot to see this baby strive. No one should have to go through what she and her parents have gone through. They started her bucket list... something in which I love and think is an amazing thing. Many young people have crossed off things from their lists that people couldn't do in a lifetime. Here are some  examples...

-15 Year Old Boy gets "deflowered before dying":

-16 Year Old Girl gets "married":

-18 Year Old goes on date with Taylor Swift:

-8 Similar "Last Wish" Stories:

- Yours Truly on a Zipline (though I'm not going anywhere don't worry):
[You might not be able to see it :-/]

And Finally Avery's Bucket List Blog:

Also I'd like to state if you want to make a bucket list of your own or just a list of things you'd like to do (like I have!) Check out:

And my 43 Things if you'd like to uhh check up;-)

Enjoy! And let me know what your bucket list contains... plus spread the word for SMA!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dream Prom: The Story of Prom Night(mare)

Yesterday was my senior Prom. I'm very glad I went. I'm extremely glad it is over. Now don't get me wrong... I had a good time and some awesome memories, just not in the way I expected. First of all must I say my stomach was doing flips yesterday. I was excited and nervous and snappy all at once. Everything had to be right. My dress was gorgeous but waiting till a week beforehand to try it on was a total idiot move. I of course had to have it tailored. The bust was too big but the waste was too small. It wouldn't even zip all the way. And then the cost of tailoring was another $50 on top of an $100 dress, $40 shoes (pretty cheap for shoes though), and a wopping $75 ticket. Luckily there was a buffet eliminating my need for a nice restaurant. After getting my dress back from the tailors the bust still popped out causing the need for safety pins (tacky, I know) and they had to accidentally come undone poking me in the side boob. Can you say "ouch"? When all was said and done my stepdad kept bugging me to hurry up... Like really? It's my FREAKING prom! When the glamorization was over I took a few picks with my brother. And his wackiness. And his girlfriend. But I did feel like a princess, making mission "Look AHH-mazing" complete. Then after a bumpy ride I showed up getting my parents to drop me off far enough away so it wasn't awkward. The trek to the check-in table was a pain but the decorations were so pretty I didn't mind. It was Madhatter themed with mushrooms and hats abound. There was even a greeter at the door wearing a wacky wig inviting me into his tea party. Strange, but in a fun and whimsical way. Once in, all the surrounding rooms had activities, including a room where they took your picture and made flip books, a cupcake and cookie decorating station, a table full of bowls of candy, the ballroom, and a basic picture station in which everyone got their picture taken for a free book they are passing out next week. When I got there none of my friends had arrived and I was clueless. I instantly took notice to three circular tables which were filled with a variety of food. One had chocolate fondue and strawberries, pineapple, bread, and pretzels. There were two types of fondue, milk and white. One table had a variety of non-dessert type foods, including chicken avocado rolls, chicken fajitas, and small rolls with pesto and tomatoes on them. I was a little over-whelmed in the food department. When my friends arrived they chose a table that was extremely inconvenient to me but what do they care... they left to party as soon as they arrived. Me feeling like the dance-floor was over crowded and unwillingness to make a fool out of myself led to me never even getting on the dance floor. Then I realized the table I was at was directly next to the table H(could stand for his name, could stand for hater) was at made it increasingly uncomfortable. H had been the object of my affection in years past but a mixture of things we both said pretty much made it unbearable to even look at him. I apologized for being a bitch, unlike him. But I caught him staring at me 3 times... weirdo. Anyway as the night passed finally A(could stand for her name or could stand for amazing) helped me out by sitting at my almost empty table. We decided to get a flipbook but people kept cutting me off in line ultimately leading to my mental breakdown due to my GA(Generalized Anxiety). A single tear fell but I sucked it up and tried to enjoy the rest of the dance. I got my picture taken in the other photo section, but before I could leave AD (A's Date or Awesome Dude?) wanted to take a picture with me even though I didn't really know him that well. He introduced himself (even though I knew quite well who he was) and asked if I was okay. His random act of kindness cheered me up. I actually relaxed the rest of the night. Coronation was PERFECTLY chosen. And I went home. That was my night, the good, the bad, and the ugly. I don't think I've slept that well without medication in a very long time. But I learned something I will pass on too you. 1. Some people should go with friends and some with a date. I should've gone with a date. Someone to force me on the dancefloor and pay attention to me. If your more social go with friends. And 2. Don't wait till last minute to try on your dress or make plans. Now you have my advice run with it... I know I'm running... far away from another prom....

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Venn Diagram

You know those graphs where there are circles and they merge together in the middle? Venn Diagrams. Well people are like those circles. Walking around with information in a round shape. When they merge with another circle they make friends and the middle of the Venn Diagram is everything they have in common. But almost everyone is clueless of who should really be in their Diagram. For example: My amazing friend Natalie is someone I never thought I had anything in common with. She just went to the same camp as me. But when we changed camps and she was the only person I knew in the cabin, things changed. We were both going to be seniors, we were both born in July, we both were extremely awkward about boys, neither of us had kissed anyone, we had the same disease, we were both learning French, e.t.c. But we both also had things that weren't in the middle. I was sarcastic, didn't talk much, and had twin brothers who I lived with my whole life. She had dated a few guys, was a year older, adopted from Russia, and had a really strict mom. But my first impression of Natalie wasn't that pleasant. At first it was a girl who was my age so, "maybe we can be friends"? Then "what a snob and a drama queen." Now it is "I love this chicka." Same thing applies with Mr. Crush (my new name for my crush slightly stolen from Sex and the City's "Mr. Big" not that they're anything alike). Subsequently I told him to read my blog due to my posts on stereotyping. I'm an idiot. But my first thought on him is "Wow he is hot." But my attention was scattered that day. Then it was "Poor guy" from N's ridiculous flirting. Then I forgot about him. A month and a half later she gave him my number and vice versa. We've been talking since. Now the middle area consists of both having touble finding people to date, I love baseball and he manages his schools baseball team, and best of all we enjoy each other's convos. On the outside I'm a girly girl and a very direct person. I'll tell you what I think about you. He is super shy. He also loves football which I find a waste of three hours. So there are some major differences. But the point is the world of relationships is just a world of Venn Diagrams. Simple. End of equation.